Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Exhaustion Kicks In

So today is officially the first day of utter exhaustion due to pregnancy. I was doing fine all day long and then 3:00 hit and I felt like I ran into a block wall. I am just so tired.

Tim and I came up with a list of 2 doctors and 3 midwives that we were going to call and make consultation appointments with to decide who we were going to use for the next 9 months. Well, out of those 5 names, I was only able to make 2 appointments. I found this to be kind of disappointing. One of the doctors was no longer an OB, one of the midwives no longer delivered, and the other midwife could not fit me into her schedule for another month and a half and I didn't want to deal with that. So It looks like it is between one OB and one midwife. We have appointments next Tuesday and Wednesday evening. I hope they go well and we find the right doctor for us.

My "confirmation appointment" is on Thursday morning. I am really excited about going because this whole pregnancy thing has not hit home yet and it just doesn't seem real. I hope this appointment will help to bring things into perspective. On another thought, though.....I am getting daily emails from whattoexpect.com that tell me what is going on with "Little 'q'" every day and today it told me that this week the heart begins to develop. That is just so cool. Kind of unbelievable.

Well, thats it for now. I will check in on Thursday or Friday to tell you how the appointment went.

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