Wednesday, July 2, 2008

So much to do....

So I have come up with a really long checklist of things that I need to do before Little 'q' gets here. I feel like we have just brushed the surface on things that need to get accomplished but at least we are starting to get things done. We have two appointments set up with daycare centers in our area so that we can tour the premises and interview the staff. I have also scheduled the baptism (because you have to book EVERYTHING in advance at my church) that is out of the way. Tim and I will be going to tour both the Cord Blood Bank and Morristown Hospital within the next few weeks. We are going to visit our lawyer to get a 'will' made up. And I really need to start looking into pediatricians as well. On top of all that, I have a lot of reading up to do before my Bradley classes begin and I have hardly started my baby blanket and have a LONG way still to go on that.

So I finally got the chance to talk to my boss about my maternity leave and I am so happy that that is something I can put behind me and I am also pleased with the conclusion of the meeting. It looks like my last day of work is going to be 2 weeks before my due date (I think the official day is October 9). I am going to be taking 6 weeks of short-term disability that the state will pay me for. I will then follow by taking my remaining sick and vacation days and maybe a couple of unpaid time off. That will put me back to work right after the new year. I will then work for two "transitional" first week back I will work 1/2 day on Monday, Wednesday, and second week back will be a half day the whole week. I will then return back to work full time in he middle of January. In addition, for the following three months, I will be working from home on Fridays. My boss also came up with a wondrful suggestion that we are going to look into....she will allow me to hire a Nanny to watch the baby in her house (upstairs from my office) while I am at work. This will make me feel SO MUCH better about leaving the baby during the day, knowing he/she is right above me. We are also hoping to have Grandma Drag watch the baby twice a week which will make things more financially affordable for us (and will be some bonus Grandma time). So we are really hoping this will work out and I am glad we have a general plan set for the moment. Now we just need to finalize things.

Other than that, I am feeling well. I am starting to get pretty tired by the end of te day again. Acid Reflux is still my biggest complaint as I am filling my calorie quota in pure TUMS! Sleeping is also getting a little more difficult for me. I cant seem to get completey comfortable and am constantly shifting sleeping sides throughout the night in order to avoid my hips from cramping up. Not to mention that I get up to pee anywhere between 1-4 times every night. I have come to the realization that a solid nights sleep is out of my agenda for the next few years!

No real further progress on the nursery except that we got new (and much needed) blinds installed this week and we have framed a few prints for the wall. I can't wait to see that room come together.

So I guess that is it for now. I am including a compilation of belly pics that I have made throughout this trimester so far. I can't believe I only have 3 weeks left before I am in the third trimester. Little 'q' will be here before I know it!

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