Friday, February 15, 2008

We're Pregnant!

What a wonderful Valentine's Day present! Yesterday morning I took a home pregnancy test and the line was so faint and fuzzy that neither of us believed it was real. During my lunch, I went and bought a digital pregnancy test. This thing was cool, definitely no guesswork about it. I took the test when i got home from work and it read "PREGNANT". So I ran upstairs and grabbed the 'just in case' Valentine's Day card that read "to my Daddy....." and wrapped it up with the positive test and gave it to Tim. Needless to say, he was ecstatic and maybe a bit in shock since this was only our second month trying. We decided that we would not be able to contain our excitement and wanted to let our parents in on the news. All of them were obviously more than thrilled especially my mother-in-law, who has been dying to be a grandma, and recently found out her other daughter-in-law was also pregnant. So the Drag family sure is expanding.

Oh, and as a side note, yesterday just also happened to be the day I resigned from my current job because I accepted a new job-offer the day before. It has been an eventful week for me.

This is not going to be an easy thing for me to keep secret, but we decided not to go ahead and tell the rest of the family until we have heard the heartbeat and I think it is a smart decision. I called my "woman doctor" (as Tim likes to call her) and set up an appointment for next Thursday to 'verify' the pregnancy and make sure everything in honky-dorey.

I've been reading my What to Expect When you're Expecting book and finding out all the things I can and cannot do. So far, my biggest disappointment is that I will not be able to go in the Hot Tub on our family cruise in 2 weeks. But if that is the worst of it, I think I will be OK. I also am concerned about the fact that I am supposed to be in a good friend's wedding on October 11 and it looks like my projected due date is October 26. I really hope I can still be a part of the wedding, but I'm not sure what the doctor will say about that.

Speaking of doctor' current "woman doctor" is only a nurse practitioner and she is not able to do all the baby stuff so I need to find a new doctor. I am a bit upset about this because I love my NP so much. So Tim seems to want me to make a decision NOW about who I will be using and I just have no idea. After doing some research, I am thinking I may want to go with a mid-wife, but I am still not sure yet. Plus we are having trouble finding a midwife covered by our insurance that is working ina nearby hospital. So the plan is to pick a couple midwives and OBGYN's and interview them to see who we like best.

So much is going through my head, that I just dont know where to start when it comes to the planning. One thing that i do know is taken care of is our nursery furniture. I asked my Dad to make a crib for us that can maybe become a biot of a family heirloom and he seems to be really excited about doing that. SO I am excited too. This is what it looks like.

SO as far as symptoms go, all I have noticed is that I have been VERY bloated and gassy for the past week. But I guess that isnt so bad for now. I am just really hoping I do not get morning sickness. I am kind of afraid of that.

Well, i guess that is all for now. I am sure I will have lots of exciting things to update in the next few weeks. I am going to try to be good about keeping up this blog.

1 comment:

Tasha - The Clean Eating Mama said...

Congratulations! Isn't it exciting! I found your blog on NestBaby and I am so glad I did. I would love to read blogs that are close to the due date as mine. =) What a fun journey we are going to have!
Tasha and Itty Bitty