Thursday, June 19, 2008

Getting Bigger.....

....and bigger.......and bigger.......

(look at that cute little profile)

We went to our 20 week appointment last week and everything looks great. I am really sad because that was my last ultrasound and I won't get to see Little "q" again until he/she is out of my belly. That is kind of a scarey thought.

So I am a little upset because I am gaining much more weight then the books say I should. I know every one is different, but it is still really hard to see that number on the scale. I have made a promise to myself to start cooking more and eating out less to try and control some unneccessary evils.

Heartburn has been KILLING me lately. It seems like I am constantly downing Tums throughout the day. I should invest in some stock in them.

So Little "q" has been kicking me for about a month now, but Tim actually got to feel him/her himself this week. I was very excited that I could share that with him finally. He said it kind of felt like my stomache gurgling, but I dont think you can often feel that from the outside.

I went outlet shopping with one of my best friends a few weekends ago and was happy to find some great deals on maternity clothes at the Motherhood Outlet. I got 2 pairs of slacks, 2 pairs of capris, and 5 tops for $120. I was very proud of my bargain shopping. I miss getting to go shopping all the time.

So I officially cannot paint my own toenails anymore. Bending over is getting more and more difficult so I was very happy today when my boss decided o treat us to a pedicure this afternoon. It was heaven.

My tummy is really starting to stretch. it is a wierd feeling because I can actually FEEL the skin stretching and it can be somewhat painful (actually more like bothersome) sometimes. I havn't noticed much change in my belly button yet, however. I figure that this is one of the next big changes that will start to take place.

Other symptoms besides the heartburn........cankersores, dry eyes and skin, I think I'm getting over the bloody noses. My hair and nails are also growing like weeds. I got my hair highlighted 2 months ago and my roots are already an inch long. And although my nails are growing quickly, I have never seen them more brittle; they break all the time. I've also begun to 'waddle' as my darling husband has informed me.

I think that is about all there is to report now. I am going to take an updated belly pic this weekend and I will try to remember to post it in this post.

(can you believe that Mom, the red sox fan, gave this to me??)

1 comment:

Carol said...

Hi, it's Carol of Jeff, Carol and Luci! Don't worry about the weight gain - I gained a lot more than I was "supposed to" too and felt awful about it but as Jeff said to me - "As long as you're getting a balance of healthy foods to keep up your strength and help the baby grow, if you want to eat a gallon of ice cream at the end of the day, go ahead!" Lol, I wouldn't suggest eating a gallon of ice cream every day, but you get the point!

And lots of heartburn is supposed to mean your baby will be born with lots of hair. It's an old wives tale, but it was true with Luci! My book said to stay away from dairy to keep heartburn at bay, but I actually found that drinking a glass of milk helped a lot. I think it coated my stomach a little and kept the acid down. And having a snack or light meal helps too sometimes.

Good luck!