Sunday, September 28, 2008

That's a BIG baby!!

So I know its been another month since I have update (shame on me) but I've been busy and/or exhausted, so my apologies.

Anyway, I guess the biggest news to be had is that I am "measuring ahead". At my 32 week appointment I was told that I was measuring 2 weeks ahead. Well....2 weeks later, I was informed that I was now measuring 4 weeks ahead. I have another appointment tomorrow (I will now be going weekly) and I am hoping it will not progress further and wind up measuring 6 weeks ahead this time. So the midwife wants me to go for a "growth ultrasound" at 38 weeks to get a more definitive measurement of Little "q". I am not really sure what their plans are if they baby measures too big, but I guess we will deal with that when the time comes. I really want to avoid an induction, so I am hoping they will let me go until the baby is ready. She did tell me, however, hat she suggests, as of 38 weeks, going to see an acupuncturist to try and get things moving. I'm all for that if need be, as long as they are not pumping all sorts of drugs into me to get the baby out.

Let's see, other news.......
My hospital bag is all packed. I am still waiting on Tim to finish his (actually, start his), however.

We met a Nanny that we LOVED 2 weeks ago, but unfortunately, she is a 20 minute drive away, in the opposite direction from work, without traffic.. She was also asking for $15-$20 per hour which in our minds is utterly ridiculous, ESPECIALLY when she would be watching my baby in the convenience of her own home. So unfortunately, we will not be using her. Tonight we are interviewing another women who runs an in-home daycare facility a town away from us. She is affordable, knows my in-laws and some family friends, and will take no more tan 5 children at a time. I have high hopes for her, so I hope things work out with that. We will see how that goes. We will also be re-visiting Donna Reid Daycare in Wayne on Tuesday morning. We really liked them the first go-round, but did not get to meet the teachers in the nursery or any of the babies because we came too late in the day. So it is really between these two places and we hope to have a decision made by the end of the week. I will be very happy when that is all settled and I do not need to worry about where my baby will be while I am working.

Speaking of work....things are starting to finally slow down. I only have 1.5 weeks left before I am done. And believe me, I am looking forward to it if for no other reason than the fact that I am just so utterly exhausted. It really is a strain to finish out a 9 hour day at work. My body just doesn't want to cooperate anymore. I've been so exhausted lately and I ache for the weekends when I can get sleep, however, it does not come so easy anymore. I am sleeping lighter and lighter by the day and I have more and more trouble trying to sleep the whole night through. Yesterday morning I woke up at 3:30 to use the bathroom (one of my many nightly trips) and I just could not fall back asleep afterwards. After attempting for 1.5 hours, I gave up at 5AM and just came downstairs to start my day. I guess this is just an unfortunate thing I need to deal with.

Anyway, that is about all that's going one right now. We are just doing a whole lot of waiting these days. I need to go hop in the shower now because Tim scheduled a massage for me and I need to be there in an hour.

'Til next time......

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