Wednesday, October 15, 2008

It is almost time!!!!

So much to inform everyone, so where do I start.....

I guess I will start with the wedding this weekend. I definitely turned a lot of heads (and I DON'T think it was my good looks!) at the wedding and was asked MANY questions. But the wedding was beautiful and I got through it without a hitch and that is all that counts. You can see the pic above of me in the Bride's Maid Dress, or my tent as I like to call it. If you want to see something funny, Go back to my first trimester post when I posted the picture of me trying on the dress with a pillow underneath. It really was not that far off, LOL. So I was not my typical dancing fool at the reception, I did a lot of sitting down. I had to really wedge my feet into my shoes, but thankfully, the bride provided me with some gold flip flops which I happily put on the minute we got to the reception hall.

I started my acupuncture yesterday. It is kind of strange.l It does not hurt at all, feels like someone is poking you with a pin but not even puncturing the skin. I guess it is because the needles are so fine. It was kind of relaxing. I didn't feel much of anything last night but I hope it is working.

So this morning Tim and I went to the midwife for a growth ultrasound and our 38 week appointment. Well, it was nice to be able to see Little 'q' again, however after multiple measurements, the U/S technician announced that as of this morning, the baby is 8 lbs and 15 oz. That is a HUGE baby for only 38 weeks. The baby looks very good and healthy however and there is plenty of amniotic fluid, so I was happy about that. We then went in to see the midwife and she was concerned about the size of the baby at this point. She told me that if we did not induce within the next week and waited until I started going into labor on my own, that I am really running the risk of having to get a C-section. Well, I did not want an induction OR a c-section, but I would obviously choose the induction over the latter. So the conclusion was for me to do 2 more acupuncture sessions this week (today and tomorrow) since it supposedly really takes 3 sessions to really get things moving. If I do not go into labor on my own by Sunday, I will be going to the hospital Sunday night to start the Cervadil (??) to get my cervix to soften. That takes about 12 hours and then Monday morning, if labor has not started, I will be induced with Pitocin.

(If you tilt your head to the right, you can see Little "q's cute chubby little face. He/she has a FULL head of hair as well.)

So it looks like I will have our baby in my arms by Monday (Tuesday the latest). It was really a "Holy Shit" moment for both Tim and I. we cannot believe it is actually here. we are going to be parents next week. WOW! I am still having difficulty believing it and I think Tim has gone into a slight panic mode.

I am beginning to get really nervous about the whole delivery process, especially since it will probably be with the Pitocin which I have heard so many awful stories about. I really hope that I can do this. I hope I am strong enough to be able to carry this out as close to my 'birth plan' as possible.

So right now I am just asking for all of your thoughts and prayers to be with us that everything happens successfully. This is most likely my last blog post before the baby comes. Thanks to everyone for all of your support the past few months and for sticking around reading my blog. I hope you have all enjoyed it. Next time I check in on here, I will be a MOMMY! Weird!

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