Friday, February 22, 2008

First Dr. Appointment

SO I had my first appointment yesterday. It wasnt thta big of a deal because it was just a "confirmation appointment". SO they did a urine test which, SURPRISE, told me I was pregnant. She also did a pelvic and sayed everything looked good. I got my blood drawn to test my Beta levels which came back at 2080 which I guess is good for now, but she said she can't tell much with the first blood draw. I am going for a second blood draw on Monday morning and we are looking to see a significant raise in the Beta levels. This is supposed to give us a more accurate idea of how far along we are. So we will see how that goes.

I had scheduled an ultrasound for the Wednesday after we get back from our cruise but unfortunately forgot that Tim is going to be down in Florida for his annual Manager's Meeting for work. So I am going to have to reschedule that.

I'm thankfully home on a snow day today. It is 11 AM and it has already snowed about 10 inches and it is not supposed to stop until late tonight. SO I have declared it a "pajama day" for myself. My tummy still feels a little wierd....just gassy really I guess and my boobs have started to get sensitive, but other than that, I'm still not really feeling very pregnant. I do seem to be eating more than usual. Still relatively healthy stuff, just more of it.

I dont know how easy this is oging to be to keep secret from my brothers-in-law while on the cruise since I will not be drinking and I have to cancel the massage I had scheduled. I am just hoping morning sickness will not kick in that week. I really want to enjoy this trip.

So I gave in and bought some maternity clothes the other day. I in no way need them right now, but I am a bargain shopper and I found 3 pair of maternity capris and a pair of maternity work pants for only $50 and I will need to use them eventually. The deal was too good to pass up. I'm sure I'll hear about it from Tim when it arrives and he gets the credit card bill, but I'm gonna have to get them eventually anyway, so he will have to deal. :)

I took my first official "belly picture" today. It doesnt look any different, but I want to have a 'before' and I am hoping to document that whole process. I havnt decided if I feel comfortable posting my chubby belly for all to see, but maybe I will change my mind. I have it for my own personal record at least, though.

Thats all the news I have to report right now. 'Til next time....toodooloo.

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