Thursday, February 28, 2008

We found our doctor!!

So we found a doctor this week that we will be using....actually a midwife. I'm very excited and relieved now that we found someone we are comfortable with. Tuesday we did a consult with the midwife. It turns out she lives in the same town as me and I graduated high school with her nephew. Small World. So she was VERY nice and helpful and we felt super comfortable with her. I think we ere there for over an hour.

Yesterday we did a consult with an OB. It is Tim's mother's GYN and I heard such amazing things about her that I was excited to talk with and meet her. Well, first off I think they thought i was there for an actual appointment cause they took my weight and BP and asked for a urine sample when I was finally like "I'm only here for a consult". No biggy. So the doc comes in and I'm thinking she will be very personable cause she has met Tim and supposedly knows my mother-in-law well. But she said no more than that she knew who she was. she is not very talkative. She asks why I was here....."for a consult, I'm looking for a new OB". She doesn't give any information about herself or her feelings about childbirth or her practice and just asks what we want to know. So I start asking my list of questions. I ask "How easy are you to reach if I have questions or concerns?". Well, she goes on a 10 minute rant about how patients should not call with silly questions, they should let the Dr do their job and wait until they have an appointment unless it is an emergency. That did not go over well with both Tim or I. This is our first pregnancy and we WILL have questions...some of which MAY be silly to her, but this is all new to us. I just did not feel comfortable with her at all. I felt like I was more of a hindrance being there.

So needless to say, we will be seeing the midwife. And I will be delivering in Morristown Hospital which is REALLY nice and am very excited to be going there. Tim and I are going to tour the facility when we get home from the cruise.

That's it for now. Next time I write I'll be home from the cruise. Hopefully morning sickness won't kick in yet!!

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