Thursday, March 20, 2008

Lots of News to tell......

So, I have a lot of catching up to do, I know it has been a while since I've blogged.

First of all.............the cruise ws awesome! We all had such a great time and it was great to share the baby news with everyone!

Stats: Little "q" is officially a fetus, no longer an embryo and is the size of a green olive.

Next on the top news events......we had the first ultrasound last Friday. It was just so amazing to actually be able to see Little "q". It made it seem a little more real and seeing the heartbeat was just unbelievable! I can't believe I've got a baby growing inside of me. The heartbeat was 162 beats per minute which is perfect and we seemed to be right on target with or due date. Now the not so great news was that the doctor said that during the ultrasound they saw a small blood clot called a subchorionic hematomas. Supposedly it is perfectly normal, happening in 50% of all pregnancies. It happens during implantation which can cause a small bleed. They say I shouldn't worry, I just need to relax and don't do any lifting. (Which I am fine with :) ) I need to go back for another ultrasound next Friday and they expect to see most of the clot gone. I'm OK with that because then I get to see Little "q" again!

I had my first prenatal visit with my midwife this past Monday and it was a lot shorter than I anticipated. I guess because I already had the ultrasound and had all my blood work done at my previous doctor. SO I got TONS of information to go through and answered a bunch of family and medical history questions and that was it! Easy as pie!

So as far as everything else........things are going great! I have seemed to be one of the few women that has not experienced morning sickness yet and I am quite happy with that fact! The only other symptoms that I have are extreme thirst.........I've never been so thirsty. I get VERY hungry VERY quickly. I go from somewhat hungry to famished in a matter of 5 minutes. And the biggest thing is that I have been so utterly exhausted that I have been in bed by 9:00 and sometimes earlier every night. I thought the exhaustion was bad a couple of weeks ago, but that was nothing! Tim has been amazing with everything and has been so helpful and attentive....even when I know I am cranky and driving him nuts. There is definitly a reason that it takes two to make a baby!

Other news.......I decided to be in my girlfriend Casey's wedding. I announced the news to her this weekend to see how she felt about things and she still wanted me to be a part of her big day. So I got measured for my dress and was ordered a SIZE 22! UGH! That was painful..........but hopefully it will be all baby belly! :)

So some sad news I am just going to touch on....My sister-in-law miscarried her baby. I am very upset for them as they have been trying for so long to get pregnant and were so happy when they finally did. I just hope that all those reading this can keep them in your thoughts and prayers as they get through this difficult time and pray that they conceive more easily next time with a successful pregnancy.

I'll leave things at that.

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