Sunday, March 30, 2008

Things Are Looking Good

So we went back for the second ultrasound on Friday. I have to say, I was a little bit nervous even though I had been feeling great. I still just don't FEEL pregnant. And I guess that makes me nervous sometimes because although I am LUCKY not to have all these awful side effects, at least it would tell me that things are 'happening' in there. But like I said, I can't complain, I've been blessed so far with a great pregnancy.

So the blood clot we were all worried about is COMPLETELY gone. She saw no remnants of it, so that mean it has been absorbed and that is obviously good news. One thing that she DID find was a cyst on my right ovary. Again, I've been told that this is no big deal an will probably go away on its own. Even if it ruptures, it will do no harm to the baby. Although she said it could cause some major cramping on my part (which Tim clearly stated that he was fine with, as long as the baby would be ok.......thanks honey!)

So I went shopping on Friday for some new clothes. Just about all my work pants no longer button and I am sick of wearing the Bella Band. I was originally planning on buying some maternity clothes but they just don't fit me right yet. I decided instead to go to TJ Max and buy some pants 2 sizes larger than I would normally buy that way I still have some room to grow in them and I will actually be comfortable in something. I've also heard that this is a good idea so that I will have something to wear when I get out of the hospital before I get back to my normal size.

Other than that, things have just been moving along. I am happy to say that our basement is now finished and my office has been officially moved. And even better, the nursery is all painted and the wallpaper is up and looks even better than I had imagined.

I'm still completely exhausted, although I made it up until 10:30 both nights this weekend which is a miracle (I did, however, take afternoon naps....that may have something to do with it).

So I guess that is all there is to report for now. Enjoy the new pic of the baby. The other pic I'm posting is of me trying on the dress for Casey's wedding. Don't worry, I'm not that big yet....I put a pillow underneath to see how it will look.

Next ultrasound is in 2 weeks followed up by my 12 week appointment.

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