Monday, May 26, 2008

I think I felt it!!!

Me at 17 weeks:
I totally think I felt Little 'q' move this week!! I was laying in bad Thursday night around 11:30 when I felt this odd feeling low in my stomache. The best description I can give is that it felt like I had a litttle fish swimming in my uterus. It was really cool and I havefelt it a couple of times since. It has to be Little 'q' because I can not think of any other possible thing it could be.

That is probably the most exciting news right now. Everything has been going smoothly and I havnt had any real problems nd no real symptoms either. Bending over is strting to get a bit more difficult though now that I am getting bigger.

I saw my neices and nephews yesterday at a Memorial Day Party and Nathan (4 y/o) wanted to know "How does the baby come out of your mouth?" I almost died laughing as I explained that the baby does not come out of my mouth. That was obviously not enough of an answer for him so I told him he had to go ask his mother. LOL. It was really precious and I think I will always remember that comment.

Lets see.......what else has gone on....
I saw the midwife 2 weeks ago. I had more blood taken to test for TaySachs disease which came back negative. I have also found a birthing class and Tim and I will be starting "The Bradley Method" class in late July. It will be for one hour every Tuesday night for 12 weeks. Tim was hoping to get it over in a day but he is not that lucky! :)

Well I guess thats it for now. I can't believe I am 18 weeks....almost half way there already. In 2.5 weeks we will be going for our BIG ultrasound and appointment where they usually tell you the sex of the baby and get to see all of the internal organs. We will not be finding out the sex but I think we may have come to some name decisions. It looks like if i is a girl it will be Delaney Morgan and if it is a boy it will be Timothy James II (we will call him T.J.)

'til next time......

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