Sunday, May 4, 2008


I has been 3 weeks since I've posted an update so I am sorry for all of you who keep coming back hoping to see a new post. I guess the main reason would be that nothing too exciting has really happened.

As you can see in the polls above, we are entertaining more names, so please vote!

Well, I guess the most important update is that I finally told work about 3 weeks ago. To my luck, I seem to have the best boss ever. She was super happy and excited for me so that was a HUGE relief. She actually sent me upstairs in her home to go through the 6 boxes of maternity clothes that she has to take home whatever I want. It doesn't get much better than that. My co-worker is very excited and happy for me as well so it has made it a wonderful work environment. It is nice not to have to hide my now growing belly anymore.

I almost forgot to mention that we got our NT Scan results back and they are negative which means that we are in the best odds of not having a child with Cystic Fibrosis or Down Syndrome. Great news of course.

As far as symptoms go, I definitely was one of the lucky ones that got a free pass on the miserable first trimester. I did not even get nauseous so I guess I should count my blessings. And now that I am into my second trimester, I have gotten my energy fully back which is quite welcome. I was sick of going to bed at 8:00 so I am now into my normal sleeping routine. My only cravings are still cheese and ranch dressing. I have been preferencing salty foods over sweet (although I rarely turn those away either).

Three weeks ago I decided to start getting back into an exercise routine since I was feeling a little more energetic. I started with just 15 minutes on the elliptical in the morning but have added 5 minutes every week, so tomorrow I will be up to 30 minutes each day which I am very happy about. I''ll be really happy if I can get up to 45 minutes, but I do not want to push it, I might just add some light arm weights instead.

I guess the other exciting news (at least for me) is that people are actually starting to notice that I "look" pregnant. I am beginning to get out of that "it looks like I've had too many donuts" phase and into the "baby belly" phase. Of course, Tim has been telling me that I "look" pregnant for a while now but since I didn't believe it myself, it just got me upset because I just felt fat. But this week, two of our clients at work asked my boss (on the side) if I was pregnant. So it made me happy that strangers are recognizing it as a "pregnant belly". I am officially pretty much in maternity clothes full time now since my pants can hardly fit over my rear anymore and my boobs have completely grown out of even my "fat day" shirts.

So It has been 3 weeks since I have gotten to see Little "q" and I miss getting too. In the first trimester, I got to ave an ultrasound every 2 weeks, but now I have to wait until 20 weeks. UGH! I do have this cool little doppler that my brother gave me though, so I can listen to the heartbeat anytime that I want.

Right now Tim and I are both thinking that it is a girl. Of course, we will be happy no matter what the sex, but I just have this inkling...not to mention that I keep catching myself calling Little "q" a she. I guess it is starting to feel a little more realistic each week. Right now I am just awaiting to feel the first movements because it can happen at anytime within he next few weeks. I am really anticipating that moment. Tim and I went to Babies 'R' Us today to pick up a pregnancy body pillow because it is becoming uncomfortable for me to sleep on my stomach and I always wake myself up in that position. Hopefully the pillow will help to keep me in one place.

So, I guess thats about it. Like I said, no real big news, just some little updates. I go for my 16 wk appointment next Monday so you can probably expect an update after that.

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